ARPHA Preprints (15 May 2023) (15 May 2023)
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ARPHA Preprints
First posted
15 May 2023
Christos Arvanitidis
- Corresponding author
LifeWatch ERIC, Seville, Spain
Technopolis Group, Brussels, Belgium
Unaffiliated, Jülich, Germany
Unaffiliated, Hinxton, United Kingdom
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy, France
Unaffiliated, Grenoble, France
LifeWatch ERIC, Seville, Spain
LifeWatch ERIC; University of Granada, Seville, Spain
EGI, Amsterdam, Netherlands
DARIAH, Brussels, Belgium
EGI, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Technopolis Group, Brussels, Belgium
Conflict of interest
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Supporting agencies
European Union Horizon Programme; Call INFRAEOSC-03-202
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