ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e104048
An annotated nomenclatural checklist of endemic vascular plants distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians
expand article infoAndriy Novikov
‡ State Museum of Natural History of the NAS of Ukraine, Lviv, Ukraine
Open Access

The nomenclatural checklist for vascular plants validated and processed as those that are (sub)endemic and present in the flora of the Ukrainian Carpathians is represented. This checklist is a part of work targeted on an inventory of endemics distributed in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It is mainly based on the analysis of primary sources (i.e., original protologues and monographic works), but also used the data provided in the recent online taxonomic aggregators such as GBIF, CoL, POWO, Euro+Med PlantBase, World Flora, and other. Over 7,000 specimens deposited in the leading Ukrainian herbaria during the work were also revised and used as a data source.

The checklist provides revised nomenclature, including corrections on publication dates, rediscovered taxonomic protologues, corrected authorships, and revised taxonomic status for (sub)endemic (sub)species of vascular plants occurring in the Ukrainian Carpathians. It contains 1061 names, from which 78 species and subspecies have been accepted as valid and 983 species and infraspecific taxa provided as synonyms. It is completed with critical notes on the nomenclature of problematic taxa and brief annotations regarding their distribution in the Ukrainian Carpathians, indicating the endemicity range and sozological categories for all analyzed (sub)species.

The current checklist is linked with GBIF taxonomic backbone, provides notes on detected issues, and primarily focuses on its update and correction but also points to detected issues in other popular taxonomic databases.

The new combination, Sabulina pauciflora, comb. nov. instead of Minuartia pauciflora is proposed to compile with a recent vision on the taxonomy of the genus Sabulina.

GBIF, taxonomic databases, endemic flora, Ukrainian Carpathians, nomenclature, Sabulina pauciflora, comb. nov.