ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e107167
Deliverable D8.3 Web interface for ELIXIR Contextual Data ClearingHouse
expand article infoKessy Abarenkov, Allan Zirk, Guy Cochrane§, Vishnukumar Kadhirvelu§, Joana Pauperio|, Olaf Bánki, Jerry Lanfear#, Filipp Ivanov, Timo Piirmann, Raivo Pöhönen, Urmas Kõljalg
‡ University of Tartu Natural History Museum, Tartu, Estonia§ European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom| European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom¶ Species 2000, Amsterdam, Netherlands# ELIXIR Europe, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
Open Access
This deliverable report includes description of the work steps towards building a web interface for the reporting of errors and gaps in sequenced material source annotations as part of the Task 8.3 of BiCIKL. Beta version of the web interface has been published and is available for the registered users of PlutoF platform.