ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e109168
D3.1 Inventory of current European network for monitoring. Web-based database
expand article infoAlejandra Morán-Ordóñez, David Martí Pino§, Lluís Brotons|
‡ CTFC Forest Sciences Centre of Catalonia, Solsona, Girona, Lleida, Tarragona, & Barcelona, Spain§ The Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF), Bellaterra, Spain| Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya, Solsona, Spain
Open Access
This report describes the database on biodiversity monitoring initiatives at the European level collected by EuropaBON (WP3 - task 3.1; EuropaBON biodiversity database from hereon) and the web-based platform (website) that contains it. The website serves the dual purpose of being the platform for data entry, as well as to allow the visualisation and quick consultation of the collected data. This report also gives a brief summary of the data collected up to the date of delivery of the report (end November 2021). Previous efforts on collecting information on existing monitoring efforts in Europe have concentrated in describing programs using a generalist approach that has received criticism because of lack of completeness even for well documented groups such as birds. Including all available information on monitoring in Europe at any spatial scale is difficult because of the high number of unlinked initiatives, specially at local scales, and the dynamic nature of these projects both in terms of the emergence of new efforts and the disappearance of old ones. To address this challenge, the EuropaBON project focusses on the monitoring network concept and aims at identifying, with priority, those monitoring efforts that are coordinated and especially those in which this coordination is consistent at a supranational level and at the European scale. Coordination in the context of monitoring is related to the integration of data and information across scales which is the underlying concept of a future successful biodiversity monitoring network in Europe.
Biodiversity Monitoring, Website, Data Base, Data workflow