ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e115410
D3.1 Framework for developing funding and finance arrangements for coastal restoration
expand article infoFausto Favero, Lieke Hüsken§, Jochen Hinkel|, Heleen Vreugdenhi§, Umberto Pernice, Michael Sedlmeier
‡ Humboldt Univeristy, Berlin, Germany§ Deltares, Delft, Netherlands| Global Climate Forum, Berlin, Germany¶ Pernice Collaborative Innovation Management, Palermo, Italy
Open Access
This deliverable is the first contribution of Work Package 3 to the REST-COAST Project. The overarching purpose of REST-COAST is to provide the tools to address some of the key challenges faced by coastal ecosystems restoration. To achieve this objective, REST-COAST will improve coastal restoration practice and techniques through new hands-on restoration pilot projects, co-design effective governance arrangements and policies, and generate new tools and data for risk reduction assessment. In addition to these activities, Work Package 3 will design innovative financial arrangements and bankable business plans to support the implementation and the
scaling up of coastal ecosystem restoration.
ecosystem, restoration, biodiversity, coastal, management