AbstractAs a foundation of the future communication activities, a set of dissemination and branding tools and materials is crucial to be established within the first months of the project. Accordingly, a project logo and website were developed in the first 4 months of the PROMICON life-cycle, which form the backbone of both project branding and public visibility. In addition, various dissemination materials such as a PROMICON brochure and a poster were produced in high quality print versions for rising awareness at events. All of the materials can be found on the media center section of the website and are available to anyone interested. Document templates were also produced and made available to the consortium, in order to facilitate future dissemination and reporting activities such as letters, milestone and deliverable reports, as well as PowerPoint presentations. Accounts have been also set in two major social media channels, Twitter and Facebook, to ensure the widest possible impact and outreach of PROMICON related results, news and events, and to engage the interested parties in a virtual community. The long‐term impact of the project's results will be secured by maintaining the website for a total of 9 years – 4 years of the project duration and additional 5 years after the end of the PROMICON life-cycle.