ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e138026
Developing the ParAqua database: methodology and implications
expand article infoAndrea Tarallo, Giuseppe Turrisi§, Davide Raho, Ilaria Rosati|
‡ National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Lecce, Italy§ LifeWatch ERIC, Service Centre, Lecce, Italy| National Research Council (CNR), Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Lecce, Italy¶ LifeWatch Italy, Lecce, Italy
Open Access
This paper presents the collaborative efforts of Working Group 1 (WG1 - Occurrence and detection of zoosporic parasites) and Working Group 2 (WG2 - Drivers underlying the dynamic of zoosporic diseases) within the ParAqua COST Action, a research initiative focused on understanding zoosporic parasites and their interactions with algae. Initially conceived as an interactive web page, one of the deliverables of WG1 has evolved into a centralised database for data gathered by the scientific community of ParAqua. In this paper we present a summary of our work, carried out from July 2022 to October 2023. After gathering and analysing community needs, we have harmonised data collection, designed and implemented the database structure. The upcoming steps involve the data upload and integration process into the database and creating a Graphical User Interface to query the database. The paper focuses on the methodology and discusses the challenges faced during the activity. As part of our commitment to promoting the practices of open science, we wrote this paper to document the entire process of the database development. Our aim is to provide a clear pathway for others to expand, challenge, and refine our database designing process, encouraging a dynamic exchange of ideas that propels the field forward. In a broad sense, this research contributes to the understanding of algae-parasite interactions, by providing a unique experience of data mobilisation and integration in the field of algae parasites research.
Zoosporic parasite, algae, parasite-algae interaction, COST Action