ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e144611
D5.5 Roadmap for research, capacity and financing options for scaling up BESTMAP approach
Guy Ziv‡,
Catriona Willoughby‡,
Denise Hick‡,
Arjan Gosal‡,
Rosemary Wool‡,
Chunhui Li‡,
Jiaqi Ge‡,
Paul Evans§,
Michael Beckmann|,
Anne Paulus¶,
Meike Will#,
Birgit Mueller¤,
Tomáš Václavík«,
Tomáš Čejka»,
Ruth Delzeit˄,
Ornella Dellaccio˅,
Jon Stenning˅,
Anna Cord¦,
Stephanie Roilo¦,
Sanja Brdarˀ,
Joan Masóˁ,
Yoni Gavish‡,
Danny Hooftman₵,
James Bullock§ ‡ University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom§ UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, United Kingdom| Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany¶ Helmholtza Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany# Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany¤ UFZ, Leipzig, Germany« Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic» Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic˄ ifw, Kiel, Germany˅ Cambridge Econometrics, Cambridge, United Kingdom¦ Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germanyˀ BioSense Institute, Novi Sad, Serbiaˁ Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain₵ Lactuca, Speenkruid, Netherlands
Corresponding author:
Guy Ziv
© Guy Ziv, Catriona Willoughby, Denise Hick, Arjan Gosal, Rosemary Wool, Chunhui Li, Jiaqi Ge, Paul Evans, Michael Beckmann, Anne Paulus, Meike Will, Birgit Mueller, Tomáš Václavík, Tomáš Čejka, Ruth Delzeit, Ornella Dellaccio, Jon Stenning, Anna Cord, Stephanie Roilo, Sanja Brdar, Joan Masó, Yoni Gavish, Danny Hooftman, James Bullock. This is an open access preprint distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Citation:
Ziv G, Willoughby C, Hick D, Gosal A, Wool R, Li C, Ge J, Evans P, Beckmann M, Paulus A, Will M, Mueller B, Václavík T, Čejka T, Delzeit R, Dellaccio O, Stenning J, Cord A, Roilo S, Brdar S, Masó J, Gavish Y, Hooftman D, Bullock J (2024) D5.5 Roadmap for research, capacity and financing options for scaling up BESTMAP approach. ARPHA Preprints. | |
AbstractThis Deliverable provides a roadmap to expansion of BESTMAP towards a operational pan-European modelling platform, as well as explore via pilot analyses several areas for improvement and future research. Considering new case studies, we analyse the locations where models parameterized in those regions can transfer to cover the most area. We conclude that in future case studies, they should be located in northern Spain, north-west Italy, central Italy, Montenegro/Albania, and Bulgaria. Testing if one can model water quality at the European scale, our modelling shows the NDR model (used in BESTMAP CS work) has generally good performance at EU scale, despite it being a rather simple process-based model. There is an overestimation of Nitrogen at low N, and underestimation of Phosphate at high P, which need to be considered in future work.
Keywordsmodelling, farming, agriculture, environment, ecosystem services, policy, farming