ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e58764
Lilium longiflorum var. longiflorum (Liliaceae), a neglected lily of Taiwan
expand article infoChien-Ti Chao
‡ National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Open Access


The genus Lilium comprises ca. 100 species and famous byb its showy flowers. In Taiwan, four taxa were recorded in Flora of Taiwan, namely L. callosumL. formosanumL. speciosum var. gloriosoides, and L. longiflorum var. scabrum

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In this article, the author reported a newly recorded lily taxon, Lilium longiflorum Thunb. var. longiflorum. This variety is morphologically similar to the other two endemic taxa, L. longiflorum Thunb. var. scabrum Masam. and L. formosanum Wallace of Taiwan, and is often misidentified as such. However, L. longiflorum var. longiflorum is distinguished from them by having subglabrous stems, and tepals without purplish stripes. Lilium longiflorum var. longiflorum has only been found in the remote islands of Taiwan, such as Lanyu, Lutao, and Pengchia Islet. The conservation status of the two varieties of L. longiflorum of Taiwan was re-evaluated and assigned as near threatened (NT).

Liliaceae, Lilium longiflorum Thunb. var. longiflorum, plant taxonomy, Taiwan