ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e65955
Addition of 96 lichen species to the state of Odisha from Similipal Biosphere Reserve
expand article infoKunja Satapathy, Srimay Pradhan, Dalip Kumar Upreti§
‡ Centurion University of Technology and Management, Odisha, India§ CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India
Open Access

A total of 96 species of lichens taxa belonging to 45 genera and 20 families are enumerated from Similipal Biosphere Reserve, in Mayurbhanj district as an addition to the lichen biota of Odisha, India. Most of the crustose lichen taxa usually growing as epiphytes on different phorophytes of the biosphere reserve exhibit their dominance. Among crustose lichens the members of family Graphidaceae with 26 species of 14 genera shown their maximum dominance. Together with Graphidaceae the lichen genus Pyrenula represented by 15 species found growing luxuriantly on smooth barked trees of the biosphere reserve. The dominant trees in the biosphere such as Shorea robusta Gaertn. followed by Mangifera indica L., Simarouba glauca DC. and Madhuca longifolia (L.) J. F. Macbr., provided suitable habitat for a number of lichen taxa to colonize. The south-west (SW) region of Similipal Biosphere Reserve exhibits the maximum additions of lichens, followed by north-west (NW), north-east (NE) and south-east (SE) respectively.

Ascomycota, Biodiversity, Lichenized fungi, Mayurbhanj,