ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e69207
Reappraisal of Nertera (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan
expand article infoWei-Chih Chen, Chih-Chiang Wang§, Kun-Cheng Chang|
‡ Graduate Institute of Bioresources, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology., Pingtung, Taiwan§ Department of Forestry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology., Pingtung, Taiwan| No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Chiayi, Taiwan
Open Access
Only one species in the genus Nertera, N. granadensis, had been identified in Taiwan. This study discovered that there are two additional species in the genus endemic to Taiwan: N. nigricarpa and N. taiwanian. These species are both distinguishable from N. granadensis through an examination of their holotype and living individuals. N. nigricarpa is characterized by the unapparent or slightly convex leaf venation on the upper surface, spreading leaf margins, purple petals, black fruits, and dark-purple seeds with raised striate. N. taiwanian has leaves with distinctly convex veins on the upper surface, undulated margins, yellowish-green petals, red fruits, and yellow-white seeds without striate.
Nertera depressa, Nertera granadensis, Nertera nigricarpa, Nertera taiwaniana, Rubiaceae.