ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e78969
Job change by the population in the conditions of precarious work (on the example of the permanent residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan)
expand article infoMarcel Turakayev§
‡ Senior researcher, Ufa, Russia§ Senior lecturer, Ufa, Russia
Open Access

The purpose of this article is to identify the relationship between precarious work and the change of job by residents of the Russian region. Such factors, as work conditions, qualification and educational mobility, economic conditions and confidence in the future influence the change a job. Sociological survey of the population of the Republic of Bashkortostan is the empirical basis of this article. The sample includes three main groups by labor status: employees, unemployed, and self-employed. The sample size is 1 566 people. Unemployed local residents changed their jobs more often than the other groups. This is because many of them regularly change or lose their jobs. Hired workers more often than the other groups moved up and down the career ladder, and changed their field of activity, which is associated with their activity and the instability of working conditions. Self-employed and individual entrepreneurs without employees show weak mobility in the labor market, because they work mainly for themselves. Respondents, who work in private sector, self-employed, have short work experience and temporary employment contract, are highly likely to change their jobs. If respondents satisfied with their income level, have official salary and do not have credit debts, then they will probably not change jobs. Respondents, who want to raise their level of education, improve their qualifications and work in a field of their specialty, tend to change their jobs.

precarious employment, precariat, job security, social and labor mobility, change of place of work