ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e86974
Hemipilia zhuxiensis (Orchideae, Orchidaceae), a new species from Hubei Province, China
expand article infoXi-Tang Chen, Li-Sha Yi, Gui-Hua Lu, De-qing Lan, Rui Qin, Hong Liu
‡ South-Central Minzu University, Wuhan, China
Open Access

A new orchid species, is described and illustrated. Hemipilia zhuxiensis from the Shibali Long Canyon National Nature Reserve, Hubei Province, China, which is morphologically similar to Hemipilia henryi and Hemipilia calophylla. This species is assigned to H. section Hemipilia but differs from other species in having gibbous lip, shorter spur and unobvious lobes. Phylogenetic analyses were also conducted based on the three plastid DNA regions (matK, trnL intron and trnL-F spacer). The analyses revealed the phylogenetic relations between this species and its close allies.

China, Hemipilia, new species, Hubei