ARPHA Preprints, doi: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e99679
Deliverable D4.1 Overall communication strategy, including an outline of the SHOWCASE narrative
expand article infoElena Velado-Alonso, Ignasi Bartomeus, Kira Keini§, Suresh Chithathur§, Anna Sapundzhieva|, Alexandra Korcheva|, David Kleijn
‡ Doñana Biological Station, Seville, Spain§ Scienseed, Madrid, Spain| Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria¶ Wageningen University, Wageningen, Netherlands
Open Access
Communication and dissemination are key elements to maximise SHOWCASE project impact and ensure long‐term effects. For that, an effective communication strategy is essential to convey the principles and best practices to integrate biodiversity in farm management to favour farmers’ livelihoods while promoting conservation in agricultural landscapes. Current discourses around biodiversity, nature conservation and farming are contradictory with each other and not always engaging for SHOWCASE stakeholders. Thus, an inspirational narrative has been developed in the first months of the project by WP4 “Communicating the benefits of agrobiodiversity through multistakeholder knowledge exchange”, task 4.1. SHOWCASE narrative explains in an effective manner 1) why people care about biodiversity; 2) what we can do, and; 3) how we can do it better.
biodiversity, communication, farming, nature conservation, ecosystem services, land management